Modern infrastructure

Storage yards, warehouse space, cold stores,
piers, handling equipment, parking

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Free Trade Zone

Euro Terminal has status
of Free Trade Zone

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Woodpulp and forest products

Dedicated terminal
for handling of woodpulp

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Excellent location

Terminal located near the mouth of the River Odra, a main artery for inland waterway traffic  

Close to industrial heartland of Poland and eastern Germany  

Access to railway lines provides the use of rail transport  

Quick access to national and transit roads  

Located well away from urban centres, allowing 24-hours cargo operations with no hold-ups or congestion  

Free Trade Zone status
Handling and storage facilities for a wide range of cargo. Frozen products, woodpulp and forest products, breakbulk and steel cargo, containers, oversized and project cargo. Furthermore we offer lay-up of vessels at our piers and lease or rent of land, workshop, production, warehouse and office space. We invite you for cooperation.
Euro Terminal Co Ltd., Poland, 72-602 Swinoujscie, ul. Jana Soltana 1, Phone: +48 91 321 65 11, Email: